Selasa, 10 November 2009

Tips for leveling

here some tips that work for me to leveling, 1-80 in 10 days
1.Use Recruit-a-Friend service
it's realy help, triple XP rewarded till you hit 60,and in this case u can hit 60 from 1 in 15 hours!

2.DO NOT willing to get good gear if You don't have trouble in killing mobs,cause you will ding fast and the epic or blue that HARD to get will be replaced in NO time!

3.Focus on leveling,don't level your profession yet, cause it will be easier for You to level Your profession when You hit 80

4.Put your hearthstone in zone where You are questing, So,everytime You need to turn in the quest,Using hearthstone is faster than running. after You hit 80 You can Put your Hearthstone At dalaran or any major cities,

5.Bunch up the can do this by read more my blog n_n